Circus Smirkus Benefits Harwich Children's Fund
The award-winning Circus Smirkus put on four shows behind the community center last week, entertaining audiences of all ages while raising money for the Harwich Children’s Fund.
The two-hour performances, featuring young people ages 11 to 18, were spectacular. Patrons leaving the tent after the shows marveled at the professional talent of the aerial performers, acrobat, jugglers and the clowns.
Harwich Children’s Fund President Angelina Chilaka said she was overwhelmed by the support from the community. The two afternoon performances of the circus’ “Imaginarium” show on Wednesday and Thursday drew a large crowd, with the two evening performances selling out.
“Our board continuously looks for ways to raise funds to continue what we have already done and introduce new programs as the need arises,” Chilaka said. “This is a major fundraising event that will help our mission while entertaining families at the same time.”
The Harwich Children’s Fund is a non-profit organization composed of volunteers who are retired teachers, school administrators and community members. Its mission is to offer support and aid to youth within the Monomoy Regional School District family who require assistance.
The group hopes to have Circus Smirkus back to Harwich next summer
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