Monomoy High Honored For Video Series
HARWICH – Sure, computer science is a potential path to a lucrative career, and it certainly offers new challenges every day. But a new promotional video series for Monomoy High School shows something else: the students learning it are having fun.
A collaborative video series promoting computer science classes at Monomoy Regional High School was recently honored by AVA Digital Awards, an international competition, in its best educational video category. The videos, made in collaboration with Chris Seufert of Mooncusser Films, showcase the problem-solving skills the classes offer and the career opportunities they can yield. But they also show all kinds of kids collaborating and enjoying the creative process.
Monomoy Community Engagement Coordinator Joy Jordan, who produced the grant-funded project along with Assistant Superintendent Robin Millen and technology teacher Rich Oldach, said the students were excited to be part of the project.
“Much of the footage was filmed during computer science and engineering classes, so these were our students hard at work on actual programming and robotics tasks,” Jordan said. “Many of the computer science and engineering students participated in the voiceovers, as well, and we invited a few of our drama students to take part in that as well. It was important to us to showcase our own students in both the visual and audio elements of the project.”
Created with funds from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, given by the Chatham Cultural Council, the videos aim to educate students and families about the computer science program to encourage more kids to take part.
“Monomoy High has steadily been expanding its programming in computer science and engineering, and it is especially important to us that all students see those as possible areas of study. We really wanted to expand the thinking around computer science and hopefully encourage even more students to give the classes a try,” Jordan said.
The four videos, “Are You Ready for the Future?” “Innovate and Create,” “Profiles in Creativity,” and “A World of Possibilities” are each under two minutes long and are polished, energetic and professional looking. Jordan credited Seufert for his craftsmanship.
“Chris brought impressive experience and expertise in filmmaking and video production to this project,” she said. “His understanding of both video and sound recording really added a professional touch, and we were lucky to have him to collaborate with.”
The project team was recently pleased to learn that the series had been honored by AVA Digital Awards, which is sponsored and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. The international organization consists of several thousand production, marketing, communication, advertising, public relations and freelance professionals. Honoring creative professionals in digital communication, the group awarded Monomoy High with a certificate of achievement for best educational video for 2025.
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