Harwich Center Tree Removal Protested
HARWICH – Matt Sutphin has been active over the past year trying to save trees in Harwich Center. Trees with roots beneath the brick sidewalk in front of Brooks Free Library should remain, he feels, and he’s been pushing to have the tree warden position restored in town.
He was before the select board Monday protesting the Jan. 24 cutting of a large tree across Main Street from the library. He brought a cross section of the tree before the board to illustrate that it was healthy.
The tree needed a limb or two removed, not to be completely cut down, said Sutphin. He credited the town administrator with some alacrity once the offending limb was reported. Within 48 hours the limb was removed, along with the rest of the tree, he added.
“If there is a problem with my hand, it should not require removal of my heart,” Sutphin said.
Under Massachusetts General Law, any shade tree removal must come before the select board, Sutphin said. He allowed that quick action was necessary to remove the limb for safety, but the entire tree didn’t have to be cut down.
“Not only do we clearcut subdivisions in Harwich, apparently we clearcut our main streets as well,” said Sutphin.
The board thanked him for his presentation.
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