Letters To The Editor: March 27, 2025

by Cape Cod Chronicle Readers

Hands Off Social Security

Are we such docile citizens of this great country that we sit on our hands and allow an unelected DOGE group of sycophants access to the sensitive information stored in our Social Security Administration records? These include our sex, date of birth, marital status, Social Security number, bank account, address and other vitally sensitive information? Can we blithely accept that these people can be trusted to redact the most sensitive information? And who is doing the redacting? How can we be sure they won’t use it themselves for nefarious purposes or sell it? We are being told that the government won’t touch our Social Security and Medicare. Then why do they need this information? They are going after it right now! Go to your phones and call your representatives in Congress. Tell them “hands off of our SSA personal records.”
John Sweeney
South Chatham

Reduce Taxes For Orleans Voters

At our May 12 town meeting, Orleans voters will have the opportunity to vote in favor of a property tax reduction. To begin implementation of a residential exemption, I have placed a citizen's petition article on the warrant to fund the town assessor $19,270 for software customization and overtime. The select board would still need to vote in favor of the exemption at their fall property classification hearing.
Under a residential exemption, over 90 percent of Orleans voters would see their property taxes go down. With a 25 percent recommended exemption, a $600,000 condo resident would see a savings of $1,750 a year. A $1.2 million homeowner would see a savings of $1,200 a year. The tax burden would shift towards non-resident homeowners, who find Orleans' low property tax rates a great deal compared to those on their primary residences.
Please help spread the word. We need to keep property taxes in Orleans affordable for the people who live, work, and raise their families here year-round. Come and vote yes at town meeting on May 12.
Tim Counihan

Kudos For Stories Well Done

Your paper just keeps getting better. The March 13 issue cover story about the rebuilding of the eagles’ nest was so uplifting in this time of doom and gloom.
Then, to top it off, the second section cover story was about the amazing Nauset Warriors hockey team going to the Garden.
 Keep up the good work!
Carolyn Witt

Southcoast Health