Homes On Monomoy Theatre Land Heading Back To ZBA

by Tim Wood
Recent activity on the former Monomoy Theatre property has centered on plans for single-family homes on the Depot Road side of the land. There has been no forward movement on renovating the former theater. FILE PHOTO Recent activity on the former Monomoy Theatre property has centered on plans for single-family homes on the Depot Road side of the land. There has been no forward movement on renovating the former theater. FILE PHOTO

CHATHAM – In the wake of an October court decision, plans to build single-family homes on the former Monomoy Theatre property have been retooled and will return to the zoning board of appeals next month.
 The two houses being proposed are located away from Veterans Field. The impact of the development on the popular town-owned ballfield was a major factor in the previous denials.
 Gregory Clark of Chatham Productions, LLC, recently filed requests for special permits to build houses at 5 and 10 Annabelle Ln., a subdivision road off Depot Road. The two homes would be on the Depot Road side of the parcel, not the Main Street side where the former theater and Washington Taylor House are located. 
Four residential lots are approved for the property. It is unclear from the recent filings if the other two lots, both of which border Veterans Field, will be developed; according to the recent filings, “nothing is currently planned to be built” on 15 and 20 Annabelle Ln.
The land is zoned general business. A special permit is required to build a single-family home in the district, according to the town’s zoning bylaw. 
Hearings on both appeals are scheduled for Feb. 13 at 4 p.m. at the annex.
 The zoning board previously shot down a request for a permit for a house at 10 Annabelle Ln., but that decision was struck down by the Massachusetts Lane Court in October.
 A second ZBA denial of a home at 15 Annabelle Ln. was upheld by the court, and according to the most recent ZBA filing, there are no current plans to build on that lot or an adjoining one at 20 Annabelle Ln. Instead, Clark is seeking approval for single-family homes at 5 and 10 Annabelle Ln.
 The lot at 10 Annabelle Ln. is 12,590 square feet, and the proposed three-bedroom house would have a gross floor area of 5,282 square feet. The 5 Annabelle Ln. lot is slightly larger at 13,248 square feet. The three-bedroom home proposed for that lot would have a gross floor area of 5,264 square feet. Designs for both houses have already been approved by the historic business district commission.
 Neither lot abuts Veterans Field. The close proximity of 15 Annabelle Ln. to the ballfield where the Chatham Anglers play was a factor in the ZBA’s original denial, which was upheld by the court. The houses now being proposed would not impact views from the ballfield, according to the applications. “As nothing is currently planned to be built on 15 Annabelle Lane or 20 Annabelle Lane, there will be a 75-foot tree and vegetation buffer” between the town property and house, the filing reads. In addition, a 30-foot strip of trees at 15 Annabelle Ln. provides a buffer between town land and 5 Annabelle Ln.
 Whether 15 and 20 Annabelle Ln. will be developed at a later time is unknown; emails to Clark seeking clarification were not returned.
 Clark purchased the 2.7-acre property 776 Main St. and 70 Depot Rd. in 2019 for $3.65 million. The HBDC has approved plans for renovation of the theater and Washington Taylor House, but both buildings have been unoccupied since the sale and appear to be in poor condition. Clark has said that the proceeds from the development and sale of the single-family houses are needed to finance renovation of the theater.