Letters To The Editor: Jan. 9, 2025

First Night Surprise
Last week I stopped by the First Night headquarters to buy a button. Astonished that the price had risen to $30 per button, I asked why. Back when our eight grandchildren were young, it would have been a stretch to outfit them. But now I have heard of the extraordinary, far-reaching legacy of Larry Hamilton and his find that ensures youngsters their buttons.
Performers’ wages have also risen, which is understandable. But when I learned that the town of Chatham provides no help, not even for the police and fire department’s hours of assistance and protection, I felt utter shame for our town. First Night brings many visitors and much revenue to Chatham. The volunteers do all the work and the town benefits.
Be sure to say thank you to the many volunteers who make First Night possible. I might add a “shame on you” to the town officials.
Phyllis C. Freeman
North Chatham
North Chatham
Chronicle Review A Delight
I recently went to see “A Complete Unknown” at the Chatham Orpheum Theater. It was a great film. Afterwards I read all kinds of reviews about the film and about Bob Dylan.
I just finished reading Rowan Wood‘s excellent review in The Chronicle. I thought his was by far the best, even better than that in the New York Times. He picked up on aspects of the film that nobody else seems to have observed (quiet ferocity). Plus his writing, to my ear, was beautiful, it flowed and carried you along.
Reading his review was a delight.
Jane Harris
Play Can Help Address Racism
Upon reading the article “Play Looks To Put Racism In The Spotlight” in the Jan. 2 edition of The Chronicle, I would like to call Ms. Partelow’s attention to the fact that Cape Cod is also home to members of the Aquinnah Wampanoag tribe as well. My grandparents, Francis Leavitt James and Arabelle Rubenia Cook James, made Chatham their home in 1910, arriving from Gay Head with two children: my Uncle Howard and my Aunt Thelma. Six more children (Ernestine, Roland, Frank, Vivian, June) and my mother, Shirley James Freethy, were born soon after.
I grew up in Chatham hearing horrible stories of the racism my mother, aunts, uncles, and cousins were subject to. Sadly, I was a victim as well while in middle school. Hopefully Ms. Partelow’s play will be a much-needed turning point.
Naomi Freethy
Market Left Off Thanks Ad
In last week's Chronicle there was a full-page “Thank You” to all the merchants and individuals who helped and contributed to the Celebration of the South Chatham Village Library’s 150th anniversary.
Unfortunately the “Chatham Village Market” was omitted from the list. The market graciously donated multiple loaves of its fine locally baked Italian bread, which was the perfect addition to our lasagna dinner at our 150th anniversary dinner at the South Chatham Village Hall.
Frank and Joan-Ellen Messina
South Chatham
South Chatham
Questions Electric Vehicle Assertions
I’m uncertain what the following quote from your column in the Jan. 2 Chronicle means: "Despite what a certain president-elect says, EVs work just fine.”
Could you please back that statement up with a quote in which that certain president-elect states that EVs don’t work just fine. It is true that President-elect Trump hopes to eliminate Biden's $7,500 consumer tax credit for EV purchasers.
BTW, doesn't that $7,500 consumer tax credit result indirectly in my tax dollars making it easier for a fellow citizen to acquire a luxury automobile?
John Hutchinson
Gala Benefits Fishing Families
On behalf of the Women of Fishing Families, we’d like to thank Scott, Kathy, and Emily Hamilton and the whole Chatham Jewelers family for their generosity and support. Choosing our group as the beneficiary of the 2024 Chatham Holiday Gala is a true gift to the fishing community of Chatham.
The Women of Fishing Families is a non-profit group of women based in Chatham dedicated to supporting the fishing community through an active support network with emergency assistance funds for fishing families in need and a scholarship program for children of commercial fishermen.
The funds raised at the Gala directly support the fishing families that live and work in Chatham and around the Cape and Islands. Our Community Assistance Fund helps cover their household bills and business expenses, and grocery and gas cards are sent to fishing families upon a hardship or tragedy.
We can’t do this work without the broader support of our community. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to all of the sponsors of the Gala, including: The Cape Cod Chronicle, Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham Chamber of Commerce, Kilkenney Law, First Merchant, RipTide LLC, Chatham Clothing Bar and Chatham Kids, Mitchell Norcross Foundation, Cape Cod 5, and Chatham Harvesters Cooperative.
A special thank you goes to Jenn Allard and her team at Mainsail Events for putting the event together, keeping us organized, and making the event so beautiful and fun!
And a shout-out to the merchants who contributed to the raffle and the community members who bought tickets for fishermen and their families to attend the event. It was a real joy for us to spend the evening with old friends and new!
And thank you once again to Chatham Jewelers. Our fishing community is eternally grateful!
Karen Murdoch, WOFF president
Elves Show Up For Kids
As we welcome in 2025, I am grateful for our caring and generous community. A simple, heartfelt thank you to all the elves who helped fill Santa’s sleigh for 243 Chatham children this year. Special thanks to the crew at Monomoy Community Services, the Chatham Angel Fund and particularly to Father Sullivan at Holy Redeemer Church and Gail and David Oppenheim for making Santa’s Workshop warm and welcoming in South Chatham.
Hoping you had a Merry Christmas and wishing you all a Happy New Year! We are blessed to live in this giving community! I can’t name everyone, but Chatham is better because of all of you! We look forward to your continued support next year!
Pat Vreeland
Chatham Children’s Fund Coordinator
Chatham Children’s Fund Coordinator
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