Our View: Metters And Nicastro
Chatham voters go to the polls a week from today to choose from among three candidates for two seats on the select board. Incumbents Cory Metters and Dean Nicastro have shown their value as town leaders in their three terms on the board, and we recommend that they continue serving. They bring different perspectives to the board — Nicastro’s legal background is valuable, as is Metters’ long history in town and his ownership of several local businesses — and have shown their willingness to learn and adapt as the town’s business grows more and more complex.
We commend Brian Phillips for throwing his hat in the ring, and suggest that with a bit more experience in local government, his youth and energy would be assets to the town.
The polls at the community center will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, May 16.
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