Karl Fehrle Named Chatham Parade Marshal

CHATHAM – Karl Fehrle, the 102-year-old member of the Chatham Band, will be the grand marshal in this year’s Independence Day parade.
The Independence Day parade committee announced the choice this week. Fehrle, who will turn 103 years old in July, was the clear choice of all the nominations, the group said in an announcement. The group noted that he is a World War II veteran, volunteers in town and is known for his long tenure with the Chatham Band, where he plays a regular saxophone solo on “Over the Rainbow” during Friday night band concerts.
Fehrle is also active in other local bands, and recently retired from the Brewster Town Band.
The marshal will ride in a vintage car at the head of the parade, which begins at 9:30 a.m. on July 4. The theme of this year’s parade is “Chatham…It’s a Shore Thing.” Registration for the parade begins May 15 at www.chathamparade.com and closes on June 15. A number of prizes will be awarded to the top entries as chosen by a panel of judges, who have yet to be announced.
The group is also looking for volunteer parade marshals to help keep the procession moving in a timely or orderly manner. Volunteers must be 16 years or older. For information, contact the group at chathamparade@gmail.com.
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