OES Fifth Graders Name State Plow
ORLEANS – Pay attention this winter if you happen to see a state snow plow out and about, because it could be “The Mayplower.”
Students in Cirrus Farber’s fifth grade class at Orleans Elementary School named the plow as part of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s annual “Name a Snowplow” contest. Now in its second year, the state agency invited elementary and middle school classes across the state to submit their suggested names for its fleet of 12 plows.
Farber said she received an email on Christmas morning informing her that her class had been chosen as one of the contest winners.
“There were a thousand entries,” she said when reached by phone Monday. “It’s crazy.”
In a statement, MassDOT said the purpose of the contest is to “celebrate the snow and ice season and to help recognize the hard work and dedication shown by public works employees and contractors during the winter season.”
“Keeping our roads across Massachusetts clear and safe every winter is a tough job,” said State Transportation Secretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt. “We are glad to see educators engage their students in a fun competition that pays tribute to this essential public service. I want to congratulate the winning classrooms and look forward to seeing all of the snowplows in the field.”
When Farber heard about the contest, she saw it as a “fun community building activity” that could also teach students a little bit about marketing and advertising. Students kicked around ideas over the course of a few days, she said.
“We just brainstormed during snack,” she said. “We talked about the plows that were already named last year and what they were looking for, a play on words, wordplay but connected to snow.”
The Mayplower gives a playful nod to the Bay State’s English settlers, and students also helped design a logo to go with the plow. Students also considered a few other names, including “Charlotte’s Sled” and “Dunkin’ Snownuts.”
On Feb. 15, staff with Mass DOT stopped by the school with “The Mayplower” to take a photo with Farber’s class.
“They were thrilled,” she said. “They were super thrilled.”
Other winning plow names include Flower Plower, Edward Blizzardhands, Glacier Gobbler, Polar Pathmaker, Snow B Wan Kenobi, The Snolar Express, Sleetwood Mac, Snow Place Like Home, Snow-hemian Rhapsody, Snow Monstah and Fast and Flurryous.
“This is a fun way for schools across the state to connect with the crews who perform vital road work every year during New England’s harsh winters,” said Mass DOT Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver. “Congratulations to the winners, and our appreciation to everyone who participated.”
Email Ryan Bray at ryan@capecodchronicle.com
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