Polar Plunge Exceeds Special Olympics Fundraising Goal
HARWICH – A little mist and the temperature bumping up to near 50 degrees took a little of the challenge out of the Special Olympics Polar Plunge on Saturday at Red River Beach.
The annual event sponsored by the Law Enforcement Torch Run and the Harwich Police Department once again exceeded its $55,000 funding goal. Police Chief Kevin Considine, the Barnstable County representative to the Special Olympics of Massachusetts and organizer of the annual event, said as of Monday the event raised $58,500, not counting checks donated at the event.
“I would expect it to go to $59,000-plus today,” Considine said on Monday.
The event, held each year in mid-March at Red River Beach, is growing annually, Considine said. In its first year five years ago, the event raised $5,000. Considine said this year there were 16 teams and 133 participants. The plunge also draws a large number of spectators. He estimated well over 250 people attended Saturday.
The top fundraiser this year, according to Considine, was the team from the East Falmouth Police Academy, a large group of cadets who will likely serve in police departments across the state. The officers-in-training raised more than $24,000, he said. The other top team, Team Stevo, under the direction of Steve Mosca, raised $9,500. Mosca was also recognized as the top individual fundraiser, adding another $8,100. The Best Costume Award went to the Irish Mafia, four women wearing the green. Considine said the Greater New Bedford team, also a major contributor, raised $4,500 this year. The Nicholas Xiarhos Memorial Fund also contributed $1,000.
Considine praised the increased participation of area and local businesses.
“The true goal and intention is the raising of money for the athletes,” he said. “So I’m overwhelmed with the passing of our goal.”
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