Letters To The Editor: Feb. 13, 2025

Game Day Helps Cancer Funding
A big “Thank You” to our generous Chatham and Harwich merchants and artists of the Creative Arts Center for their support to the Chatham/Harwich Branch of the Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary. The gift cards and custom painted wooden boxes, together with volunteers serving a homemade Italian lunch, all contributed to our 2025 Game Day fundraiser’s huge success!
Together we can go far in reaching our pledge of $1million for cancer care services at Cape Cod Hospital.
Ilene Bendas
Beth Jacobs
Co-chairs, Chatham/Harwich Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary
Beth Jacobs
Co-chairs, Chatham/Harwich Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary
Not Acceptable Here
I no longer live part-time in Chatham, but when I did, I regularly wrote letters to your paper protesting a prominent real estate mogul who flew a Confederate flag over his home on Stage Harbor. Now you have MAGA followers painting swastikas on homes in Chatham.
Maybe if more people in Chatham had joined me in speaking out against the Confederate flag, a symbol glorifying slavery, we might have slowly instructed those who boldly supported slavery that it was not acceptable in our community.
Shannon Griscom
Palo Alto, Calif.
Palo Alto, Calif.
Drug Demand Is Real Issue
Trump was hoodwinked by Mexico and Canada. Claiming victory that turns out to be pyrrhic, Trump postponed his 25 percent tariffs and agreed to stem the flow of weapons to Mexico in return for commitments by Canada and Mexico already made during the Biden administration.
Apart from his egg-on-the-face artless deals, Trump apparently believes that interdicting the flow of fentanyl across the Mexican border (almost none crosses from Canada) will miraculously stop the flow of the drug. What he ignores or likely cares nothing about is Americans’ persistent demand for fentanyl, opioids and other addictive drugs. The United States is the undisputed global leader in drug overdose deaths at about 32 per 100,000 population, about four times that of Canada and Australia and 10 times that of most European countries and even Russia.
Because of Americans’ demand for addictive drugs, completely stopping the flow of fentanyl and other drugs across the Mexican and Canadian borders does nothing for that demand and would likely open the 12,000 miles of the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico coastlines to the flow of drugs to continued supply of that demand. It will also create a greater incentive for domestic production of fentanyl and other addictive drugs.
It is difficult to determine how much governments spend on addressing drug abuse prevention and rehabilitation. But don’t expect Trump to address that issue because he really doesn’t care about drug overdose deaths. All he cares about is using those deaths as another excuse to get rid of all immigrants.
George Myers
Venice, Fla.
Venice, Fla.
A Modern Day Catastrophe
I just finished reading “The Happiest Man on Earth,” the story of an Auschwitz survivor. The parallels to what is taking place in our democracy are terrifying. We all know the Nazis' goal was to eliminate the Jews. The steps Trump and Musk are taking are no less sinister.
All references to LGBTQ have been removed from all government sites. These actions are intended to eliminate any information and data on these populations. If no record exists, then they don't exist. Humiliation and the destruction of one's dignity.
Diversity, equity and inclusion is also being eliminated. Why? Because Trump ignorantly believes these programs have somehow weakened our society.
FBI staff have been told to outline their involvement in the cases against Trump. If they do not prove loyalty, they will lose their jobs! Let's not forget federal judges found sufficient evidence to pursue Trump.
Thousands of immigrants are living in fear of deportation. The vast majority are honest and hardworking. I can't help but wonder if the policy would be different if Ireland was on the southern border.
No one thought the Holocaust could happen at the time. But it did. A new type of catastrophe is happening right now. Don't pretend it's not. Don't look away. But if you don't act, look in the mirror and ask yourself why.
Dave Swords
Info About Pine Oaks Village Project
Over the past several months, we have worked to provide facts about the proposed Pine Oaks Village Homes project via our website, social media, and public forums. Recently, we are disappointed by the wave of misinformation that is being circulated on social media and elsewhere.
We ask that folks remain open minded and thoughtful about the positive impact this project will have on our community. Questions are welcomed and encouraged. And we want to be open and transparent at every step of this process. To that end, here are a few key facts that we know folks want access to:
- 248 units are proposed as part of this project, built over five total phases.
- Up to 70 percent of the initial tenants can be selected based on local preference if a local preference lottery is approved by the Massachusetts Office of Housing and Livable Communities.
- “Affordability” is calculated as 30 percent of the residents’ income; eligible residents will make between 30 and 110 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI).
- Environmental studies of the site have already been conducted. Much of the site land will be undisturbed
- We have already begun discussions with the CC Regional Transit Authority to create new routes serving our entire community
More FAQs and project details are available online at pineoaksvillagehomes.org, and the entire volunteer board overseeing the project is committed to sharing information wherever our neighbors have questions. Keep asking! But please be cautious of misinformation on social media.
Gregory Winston, board president
Pine Oaks Village
Pine Oaks Village
Glad Police Following Law
In the front page article “Officials Prepare Should ICE Come to Call” (Feb. 2), I was heartened to read that our local police can refuse to take the call should ICE come calling. “Local law enforcement officials say immigration enforcement is not their job.” This is backed by Massachusetts law and by a 1997 Supreme Court ruling. At this chilling time in our nation’s history, it is good to know our local police are following the law and working to build trust rather than spread fear.
Kathleen Geagan
Church Was Landmark For Mariners
I strongly support the Feb. 6 editorial regarding the West Harwich church (“Preserve The West Harwich Baptist Church”). It has been a long-time landmark and should not be torn down because it is convenient or will line someone's pockets.
Are there any folks still living that remember the wisdom (not) of the folks in Harwich who decided in 1964 that the old Exchange Hall in Harwich Center was too unsafe to remain, and then had to hire local businessman, Charles "Todd" Lee, to have him and his bulldozer hoisted onto the roof of the building to push out the sides because the contractor from Quincy was unable to knock it down?
Like the landmark church in West Harwich will be if torn down, the Exchange Hall is still missed as part of the history of the town of Harwich. Ask town historians.
For the uninformed, both the old Exchange Hall and the church in West Harwich were indeed landmarks for mariners returning to Harwich ports back when everyone didn't have GPSs and radars. All they had to do (when they weren't fogged in) was to look due north. Alongside the very visible Exchange Hall was the spire of the First Congregational church in Harwich Center, and just to the left of those two was the spire of the West Harwich church. They guided many mariners safely home.
There probably aren't a lot of us who remember that, but some still do. Why is it necessary for people who have no knowledge or concern for history to work so hard to obliterate it? Would they obliterate their own ancestors so easily?
Pete Norgeot
Pay Attention, Ask Questions
During life's journey, we encounter many people. Some pass through quickly; others remain present for a long time. All encounters make a connection and a contribution, leaving lasting impressions. All teach us something valuable that we need to learn. Some are there to teach us how to be wondrous human beings; others are there to teach us how we do not want to be. All are models providing us with pathway choices to reach the highest manifestations or the basest expressions of our humanity.
Some people teach us love, kindness, compassion, and how to laugh. Others teach us hatred, anger, greed and how to sneer.
Pay attention to what you are learning. Pay attention to what you see and hear. Pay attention to what you are role-modeling for others, especially for the young people in your life who may be watching and learning quietly. It matters.
Leaders are being manipulated based on their own desires for power and wealth. Even leaders in the very highest offices are being manipulated, perhaps without their own conscious awareness. Anxiety is palpable, impacting our health and well-being. Lies are being told, exaggerations are being made, poor decisions are being adopted without due diligence. At the center of selfishness is fear: fear of “other,” fear of not having “enough.” But there is only us — the human family in wonderful variety. We are meant to care for each other.
Silence is tacit approval. If you aren't concerned, please pay attention. Ask questions and learn. It is critically important.
Maria C. Mazzer
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