Letters To The Editor: Oct. 3, 2024

by Cape Cod Chronicle Readers

Beckett Would Be Proud

Instead of "Waiting For Takeout," your front-page photo from the fish pier should have obviously been captioned "Waiting For To-Go."
I'll show myself out.
Brian Lutes

An Experience Worth Relating

I just read the "Mind Your Business" piece in this week's Chronicle. Diane Donahue, Realtor, is the subject. I feel compelled to share our Diane story. We landed in Chatham for the first time in late 2018. We very quickly fell in love with everything Chatham and decided to check on real estate possibilities. Diane was representing the seller of the home we ultimately purchased. Long story short, we hit a "roadblock" that appeared insurmountable. It was Diane's passion and perseverance that made the sale happen. Had it not been for her determination, the deal would have fallen through. Thank you, Diane Donahue!
Vangie Collins

Credit Due To Emergency Responders 

I'm writing on behalf of my family to extend heartfelt thanks to the Chatham EMTs who attended to my husband, Tony Raine, on Aug. 27 after he suffered a stroke.
We could not have asked for a quicker or better response to my 911 call describing his symptoms. They arrived within minutes, quickly confirmed his condition and transported him to Cape Cod Hospital where soon afterwards he was airlifted to Boston for urgent surgery.
All members of the Chatham team were caring, friendly and reassuring but also knowledgeable and efficient in their handling of a situation where swift action means everything. 
Within a few hours of my early morning call, successful surgery had been completed at Brigham and Women's and Tony was recovering in ICU. 
Also, our genuine thanks go to the staff at both hospitals for their expertise. 
Thanks also to the many friends, neighbors and well wishers for cheering Tony on — largely through our daughter Chelsea's Facebook updates! 
Rest assured that he continues to receive the best of care and is on the road to recovery.
Bonnie and Tony Raine and Chelsea Raine Hickey

Team Has Them All Dancing

John Whelan's column "Chatham On Foot" is always informative and enjoyable to read. I look forward to where his "walks" will take him, and us, next. 
As a member of the Adam In Chatham Dance Studio since almost the very first months when Adam Spencer came to Chatham a decade ago, I read John's column of Aug. 26 with even more interest than usual. Adam is a gift to the AIC students and the Cape Cod dance community. As John wrote, we are lucky to have Adam In Chatham. On behalf of the studio, I want to add an acknowledgement of Francis Grant, a charismatic and accomplished dance teacher who is part of Adam's team. Francis Grant joined AIC three years ago and along with Adam Spencer and Angel Fox makes dancing a joyful, learning experience (even if you have "two left feet"!).
Linda Simonitsch

Yup, That Sounds About Right

I saw in The Chronicle that you termed the storm last week as a “Nor'easter,” a term invented by non-native weather people who think they are being “local.”
Every Old Timey New Englander knows that it was a "Notheastah!"
JP Cunniff

Wrong Trees For Vets Field

Trees that were recently planted to Veterans Field in center field are not in character for the view of the ballpark. I would have rather seen trees with leaves instead. Leylands ruin the view of the field. I know they wanted to make it easier for the batters to see the ball, but a different type of tree would have been better.
Crayton S. Nickerson, Jr.

Yes On Question 6 

Voters can streamline Barnstable County government and save money by voting “Yes” on ballot question 6 on their November ballot. 
The Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates (the legislative branch of county government) is seeking to clarify some procedures so county government can operate more smoothly. Your “Yes” vote will improve efficiency and transparency, and ensure all Cape towns have a voice in our regional government. 
Ballot question 6 is vital to restore the checks and balances essential to good government by clarifying — not changing — how the Assembly carries out its duties. A “Yes” vote will allow county government to work without regularly consulting expensive legal counsel because the rules will be clear. A “Yes” vote will improve collaborative problem-solving so Barnstable County government can make progress on issues Cape residents care about like housing and water quality.
All Massachusetts voters will consider five statewide ballot questions. Barnstable County voters will consider ballot question 6 in addition to the statewide questions. Question 6 was placed on the ballot at the request of the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates.
Barnstable County government provides a broad expanse of valuable services to Cape Cod towns and residents ranging from dredging and immunizations to emergency planning and shellfish propagation. Barnstable County is the only Massachusetts county government with both a legislative branch (the Assembly of Delegates) and an executive branch (the county commissioners). The Barnstable County Charter, adopted by the state legislature, defines how the two branches of government work. The 15 Cape towns each elect their own assembly delegate, and delegates carry out their duties as defined by the county charter and in the best interest of towns they represent. 
Please vote “Yes” on ballot question 6 so Barnstable County government can provide its important regional services more efficiently and transparently while saving money. 
Dr. Mary Chaffee, Brewster Assembly Delegate
Randi Potash, Chatham Assembly Delegate
Michaela Wyman-Colombo, Mashpee Assembly Delegate
Daniel Gessen, Falmouth Assembly Delegate
James Killion, Sandwich Assembly Delegate
Dr. Brian O’Malley, Provincetown Assembly Delegate
George Slade, Bourne Assembly Delegate