Labdon Seeks Recount

May 31, 2024

BREWSTER -- Laurel Labdon, who lost a seat on the select board by three votes in Tuesday's annual election, is collecting signatures for a recount.

Labdon, who was re-elected to the town's housing authority, lost to Amanda Bebrin 1,458 to 1,455. Incumbent Mary Chaffee won her seat with 1,685 votes.

According to Town Clerk Colette Williams, Labdon took out petitions Friday to request recounts in each of the town's three precincts. She must get 10 signatures in each precinct to trigger the recount. According to Williams, the petitions must be filed by June 7. A tentative date for the recount has been set for June 11, depending on when the petitions are filed and certified, she said in an email.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.