Brandon Blair Welsh
Brandon Blair Welsh died 16 January 2024 at home in Cagayan De Oro, Mindanao Philippines, due to compound health issues. His wife and children were with him.
Brandon was born to James and Lena Welsh. He was one of eight children. He spent his early years in Medway & Millis MA before the family moved to Chatham MA. In 1976 he graduated from Chatham High.
Following high school, Brandon ventured to Washington state and Phoenix, AZ, before eventually making his way to the Philippines where he married and had a daughter.
Brandon was most content when with friends and family. We will remember his colorful character, his teenage indiscretions, his wanting to find his place in the world. Brandon said many time, “My wife and kids are the best thing that ever happened to me.” He found his place.
Brandon is survived by his wife, Rufely Welsh, daughter, Anna Maria Welsh, and son, James Acenas, his five brothers, one sister, his many cousins, nieces and nephews.
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