Native Plantings Proposal Spurs Debate

ORLEANS – A resolution to allow only native plants to be planted on town-owned land was passed by the select board earlier this month, but not without some back and forth.
The board passed the resolution by a 4-1 vote on March 12. Andrea Reed, the board’s dissenting vote, unsuccessfully argued for an exemption allowing for the traditional planting of annuals by volunteer organizations including the Orleans Improvement Association (OIA).
“I just don’t know what to do with that. I know OIA has a huge history in this community with planting on public land decorative annual plants,” she said.
Language in the resolution calls for “only native plant species as defined by regional and state guidelines” to be planted on town property. The use and promotion of native plantings around town has been itemized as one of the select board’s goals in recent years. According to language in the resolution, the goal is to build “resilient landscapes and increasing biodiversity in a changing climate.”
“This policy is intended to support pollinator species and other native wildlife and help maintain and enhance the town of Orleans’ living green infrastructure,” the resolution reads.
But Reed voiced concerns with the way in which the resolution was brought forward, noting that public meetings have not been held to allow input from residents and local organizations.
Herman said he hopes that OIA and other groups can adjust their practices to be more in line with the town’s focus on native plantings.
“They’re not natives,” he said of annuals. “I think it’s the direction and philosophy of the town to promote natives.”
“But we haven’t engaged or allowed a transition time,” Reed said. “We’re doing it top-heavy down when we’ve been partnered for decades with groups of volunteers. It’s not the way we should be doing business.”
“Then we probably shouldn’t have put this on our goals for the last two years,” Herman said. Reed said she had no objection to including the resolution among the board’s goals, but rather to how the board is “rolling it out.”
Herman said that the OIA is aware of the resolution and that he has not received any feedback from the organization about it. He also said the town’s public works department is in support of the resolution. Regarding the process, he said the resolution has been advanced in much the same way as the town’s efforts to create a Pollinator Pathway, which he said also came about without public meetings.
Assistant Town Manager Mark Reil said that there is a precedent for exempting annuals in other town policies.
“I don’t have an opinion really, I just think that it’s seen in other policies,” he said.
“It’s also not seen in other policies,” Herman said.
Annuals have traditionally been grown along Main Street seasonally in window boxes, pots or planters. Beyond their use on town property, questions also were raised about who owns the pots and planters.
The town also needs to be conscious about the need to conserve water and other natural resources, Herman said.
“We’re going to be in a drought situation,” he said. “These annuals die in the plots, and everyone says ‘Why are we wasting the money to do this?’”
A motion by Reed to approve the resolution with an added exemption for planters and pots on town property was voted down, and the resolution as presented was approved 4-1, with Reed voting against it. However, the resolution does not restrict the ability of annuals to be planted on private property.
“We would love to have the OIA work with the chamber and work with the businesses,” Herman said.
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