Senior Lunch Services Impacted By Federal Funding Cuts

by Mackenzie Blue

BREWSTER – It was announced last week that Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands will be reducing the council on aging’s social lunch services to one day a week from two. 
The COA originally hosted Tuesday and Thursday lunches for seniors to enjoy a nutritious meal and to socialize. Now, the program will only be offered on Thursdays. 
The Nutrition Services Incentive program, a federal grant that provides supplemental funding for states to purchase nutritious meals for older people, faced a $200,000 reduction in its 2025 budget, forcing Elder Services to cut programming. 
Senior dining services are not well attended, making them the first programs to go when financing tightens. Dine-in sites in Mashpee and Barnstable were closed permanently. 
Laura Roskos, public information officer at Elder Services, said budgetary decreases were in the works for the last few months, but they are doing their best to prepare for what the new administration will bring. Officials are predicting more cuts will affect their services, she said, requiring budget shifts where necessary. 
“We had more sites across the Cape pre-pandemic, but the meal sites in Falmouth and Dennis have never reopened, and now we won't be reopening them unless the funding situation changes,” she said.
COA Director Elton Cutler stressed the importance of utilizing other programs the agency offers to supplement the decrease in offerings. 
“Elders not attending our Tuesday lunches still qualify for the Meals on Wheels program in terms of continuing to meet their food security needs,” he said. 
Meals on Wheels delivers nutritionally-balanced, prepared meals to homebound seniors Monday through Friday. The program, sponsored by Elder Services, asks for a $4 donation per meal, although the service will never deny anyone a meal if someone is unable to make a donation. 
Cutler said approximately five to seven seniors attended the Tuesday lunches weekly. 
While food is an important part of the program, socializing with other residents is a highlight. To make up for that, the COA offers an array of different activities throughout the week, including Tai Chi, art, yoga, knitting and card games. 
Eligible seniors can also take part in Healthy Meals in Motion, a monthly grocery service provided by the Family Pantry of Cape Cod. Elders can pre-order from a wide selection of food items and fresh produce to pick up at the COA every second Wednesday of the month. 
To participate in Meals on Wheels, call 508-896-5070. Healthy Meals in Motion requires seniors to enroll with the COA outreach office by calling 508-896-2737.