Avian Flu Spreads, But Dead Birds On Shoreline Are A Mystery

by Alan Pollock

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), commonly known as bird flu, is nothing new; it has been present on the Cape for more than two years. But with growing concerns about its spread to domestic poultry and dairy herds, and in the wake of the first human death from the virus in the U.S. earlier this month, local officials are being vigilant for signs of trouble — including dead birds found on area beaches.
 “We received several reports about dead birds last week and earlier this week through conservation and the harbormaster,” Chatham Health Agent Judith Giorgio said last week. Recently, Chatham Animal Control Officer Diane Byers has started her days by combing the town’s beaches for bird carcasses, examining them carefully, disposing of them safely, and reporting her findings to state wildlife officials.
 MassWildlife is asking local officials and the public to use an online form to report any dead seabirds or groups of five or more dead birds of another species. Locally, beachgoers who spot a dead bird are encouraged to call the town’s animal control officer and to avoid touching the carcass or allowing dogs to do so. Officials stress that bird flu does not pose an immediate health threat to people.
 Speaking on Scatteree Beach Tuesday morning, Byers said her first encounter with bird flu locally was about two years ago, when she was called to intervene in the case of a hawk that was behaving strangely. Hawks can be susceptible to the virus because they scavenge the carcasses of dead birds and can also have open wounds they receive while hunting. In recent weeks, most of the birds she’s recovered from beaches are eiders and other ducks; on Jan. 23, she removed eight duck carcasses from Ridgevale Beach. 
Some of the ducks recovered from Chatham beaches have what appear to be wounds from pellets, pointing to the possibility that their deaths were caused by hunting rather than some pathogen. But Byers said she’ll be disheartened if she continues finding dead birds later this week, since the state duck hunting season ended Tuesday. 
“A report to the state was made and we will follow up with the original reporting party on this,” Giorgio said. “Reporting to MassWildlife and animal control is the [standard operating procedure] on these,” she said.
 Some of the ducks recovered from Chatham beaches have what appear to be wounds from pellets, pointing to the possibility that their deaths were caused by hunting rather than some pathogen. But Byers said she’ll be disheartened if she continues finding dead birds later this week, since the state duck hunting season ended Tuesday.
 Barnstable County health officials have created a web page answering key questions about bird flu, including what to do if the family dog or cat carried a dead bird in its mouth. 
 “Although bird flu viruses mainly infect and spread among wild migratory water birds and domestic poultry, some bird flu viruses can infect and spread to other animals as well,” the site reads. Because they could potentially become infected, domestic cats and dogs should be kept away from wild birds. “While it’s unlikely that you would get sick with bird flu through direct contact with your infected pet, it is possible,” the guidance reads.
 Of greater concern is the potential spread of avian influenza to backyard chicken flocks or pet ducks. 
 “You should be vigilant about protecting your flock, and/or any domestic avian pets, from bird flu,” the site reads. 
While most poultry species will die within days of exposure, some ducks can be infected without ever falling ill. Because the virus is spread from bird to bird by direct contact or contact with droppings or feathers, pastures, yards, ponds and equipment can easily become contaminated with the virus. Bird owners are urged to be alert for various symptoms in their flocks, from low energy and reduced egg production to lack of coordination, diarrhea or sudden death with no prior symptoms. People noticing such symptoms in their birds are urged to immediately call the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources at 617-626-1795. 
 Most of the human cases of bird flu have been in agricultural workers. Public health officials say that anyone who has had direct contact with infected or potentially infected animals, including sick animals that might have eaten bird flu-infected birds, should monitor themselves for symptoms in the 10 days after exposure. In humans, bird flu can cause a fever, sore throat, a cough or other respiratory problems, a runny nose, body aches, diarrhea or eye discharge or irritation. People who think they may have been exposed should contact their doctor and notify the state’s epidemiologist by calling 617-983-6800.