Minding Your Business - Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Chatham
Reverend Chris McMahon
Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Chatham
“Search With Us: New Perspectives, Spiritual Uplifts, Good Friends”
819 Main St.
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m., in person or Zoom
“The Unitarian Meeting House is a house where you can find your spirituality, cultivate your spirituality," said Reverend Chris McMahon. The group welcomes everyone: people who practice Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, even atheism.
“We don’t convert people,” said McMahon. “It’s up to each person to decide what you choose to believe. My job, as the minister here, is to teach, not preach.” Their recent campaign, “Search With Us,” is evidence of that.
The Meeting House is a majestic building high on the hill by the traffic lights that greets everyone who enters Chatham.
“Here you can explore your own spirituality. It’s a place to develop and cultivate spirituality," said McMahon. “I don’t provide answers. I can express what I think and listen to what you think. The way I see things, you might not agree with [me], but that’s OK. My job is to get you to think.” McMahon even goes as far as to say that “religion and spirituality are two different things.”
The Chatham UUMH has 85 active members, and boy are they active. There’s a caregivers group, a men’s group, a book club, a coffee hour and more. They have mindfulness sessions, meditation groups, musical concerts, art displays and more, all to celebrate human beings and how to contribute to our environment. Encouragement and discussion are key for this group. Inclusivity, social justice and humanity are all important to every member.
Acceptance and respect are major tenets of the faith. Unitarian Universalists accept all and respect your beliefs, whatever they may be, with a common goal: a world community with peace, liberty and justice for all. Rev. McMahon has much to contribute. He was brought on board this July and has a very extensive background in and knowledge of the world’s religions.
“I’m not your average minister,” he said with a smile. As a merchant marine, he has literally sailed the seven seas and “saw and experienced so many religions.” McMahon is in Chatham every other week from Thursday through Sunday and teaches part-time at Nichols College. He and his wife own a horse farm in Connecticut. And he claims to be retired!
The Meeting House holds a holiday fair from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15, even though their thrift shop just closed for the season. That might be a great time to meet up with this congregation.
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