Zoning Study To Focus On Mixed Use, Multifamily Housing

by Rich Eldred

BREWSTER – It may seem like Brewster has done a lot with affordable housing, but the town is looking to do more.

The Barrett Planning Group (BPG) has been hired to conduct a grant-funded analysis of zoning and the possibility of establishing mixed-use and multifamily housing in town.

The study is now getting underway. Judy Barrett of BPG was on Zoom to speak to both the planning board and select board about the project last week.

“Doing this zoning analysis is in the local comprehensive plan and also in the housing production plan,” noted Assistant Town Manager Donna Kalinick.

“What we were asked to do was to think about ways to build on the successes this town has already had [in affordable housing],” Barrett said. “Every time we work in Brewster we’re just amazed at what your town manages to accomplish in housing. You are very different from almost any other community we’ve worked with, so it is great to be back.”

But zoning rules might limit some of what the town can accomplish. Barrett will look at that and the relationships between regulation, supply, affordability and needs. She is focused on what is allowed by zoning, what isn’t and how that shapes the housing in the community.

“Ultimately our job is to identify some opportunities you may have currently untapped to provide for additional housing options,” Barrett said. “When I say you’ve done a lot I really mean it.”

She backed that up by listing town accomplishments: adopting accessory dwelling unit amendments to the existing bylaw, supporting 40B development so that Brewster is a “safe harbor,” the use of town-owned land for developments such as Spring Rock Village, the Brewster Woods housing project, Serenity’s housing for seniors, and creating a housing office in town hall.

Barrett’s group looked at Brewster’s policies on housing and the vision plans and then at zoning rules to see if there were conflicts in areas such as dimensional requirements, parking, permitting, etc. Requirements for special permits may dampen enthusiasm for a project and act as a roadblock.

She said the consultants will be doing a deep dive into the zoning rules looking at maps, other building and conservation restrictions and how they might impact the effectiveness of the zoning.

“The key questions we have in our heads are how can zoning do the best possible job of helping your community address its housing needs,” Barrett said. “What areas of town are preferred locations for changes in zoning policy, perhaps some areas where additional density could be supported or a mix of residential uses might make sense.”

Another portion of the study involves reaching out to residents. The Barrett group is sending out a community needs survey to hear back from residents as to what they feel the needs are.

“That will be out for a few weeks to ask a variety of questions and to try to understand their perspective on needs and how those needs might be viewed by different age groups, what housing types people like or don’t like and so forth,” Barrett said.

Two public meetings or forums are also planned. Assistant Town Manager Donna Kalinick said the first forum would be Thursday, Oct. 3.

“What information is going to be most helpful to the residents of your community to be receptive to potential changes in zoning?” Barrett asked. “Often when you do a housing policy plan? There are lots of people who support the idea that we need to provide more affordable housing, but when you actually get to the zoning, that’s when the rubber hits the road.”

“Is this mainly just a focus on housing possibilities or is it also on where the best industrial use is and the best commercial use and where does village business make sense?” asked Planning Board Chair Alex Wentworth.

“I would love to do all that, but my scope is mixed-use and multifamily,” Barrett replied.

The planning board and other housing committees will be updated as the study progresses and a draft report will be present before the final version is released, she said.